
Sunday, 13 April 2014

Countdown to the Blood Drive for Catalonia 2.0

The most ambitious blood drive in the history of Catalonia is set to begin this Friday, 17 January. Over 2,000 people have already signed up, but we need at least 5,000 blood donors to replenish supplies, which have been depleted over the Christmas holidays.

For the first time, all of Catalonia will take part in a massive, simultaneous blood campaign. The slogan of this mega-drive, which will last until 24 January, is "Whatever type you are, share your blood".

The base camp for the drive will be Fundació Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona, where donors are invited to give blood on 17 and 18 January from 10 am to 9 pm. Major hospitals throughout the territory will also set up special donation centres.

This event has been planned as a grand celebration of the act of giving, where ordinary citizens will be the guests of honour. Anyone who wants to participate can do so by giving blood or spreading the word about the need for blood donations among friends and acquaintances, on social media or via email.

On the website, actor Quim Masferrer has posted a public appeal for citizens everywhere to join the campaign.

This same site also offers ordinary citizens a chance to contribute to the blood drive, either by spreading the message about the event or making an appointment to give blood.

There are many types of donors, and each is vitally important. At Quim Masferrer describes the different types of donors: fearful, occasional, well-aged... As Masferrer says, "Whatever type you are, share your blood."

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