Human Milk
The Milk Bank is a service of the Blood and Tissue Bank specialised in breastfeeding and milk donation.
The Milk Bank of the Blood and Tissue Bank (public company of the Department of Health) aims to ensure that all premature babies who cannot be breastfed by their mother can have access to human milk. The Milk Bank collects milk from donor mothers, processes it safely and with quality, and supplies it to the neonatology units of hospital centres.
The goal of the Milk Bank is to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding, as well as to collect, analyse, process, and distribute the donated milk to babies in need based on medical prescription.
Why is human milk so important?
Human milk is the best food a baby can receive, it is much more complete than any other alternative. It is the natural food produced by the mother and contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and other very important components that ensure and protect the infant from the most common diseases, such as diarrhoea and pneumonia... moreover, it is also beneficial for neurological and visual development.
WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding the baby for the first six months of life because it provides nutritional and immunological benefits for the baby to grow and develop properly.
About Us
Sonia Márquez del Pozo. Laboratory technician at Banc de Sang i Teixits since 2002 and laboratory technician at Banc de Llet Materna since 2018. Breastfeeding consultant since October 2023. Member of the Spanish Association of Human Breast Milk Banks since 2023.
Mònica Cordech. Laboratory Technician at Banc de Llet Materna de Catalunya since 2011. UNED breastfeeding course. FEDECATA breastfeeding consultant course. Breastfeeding consultant at Alba Lactància Materna since 2018.
Vanessa Pleguezuelos is the production manager of the Banc de Sang i Teixits de Catalunya since 2016. She holds a degree in Biology, specializing in Biosanitary Sciences, from the University of Barcelona. She also has a Master's degree in Medical and Scientific Communication from Pompeu Fabra University and another Master's degree in Training with a focus on TAC: Talent Management, Learning, and Innovation in Organizations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She also holds a Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, equivalent to a Master's degree in Teacher Training, and is currently completing a Master's degree in Applied Clinical Research in Health Sciences at the UAB.
It is worth mentioning that she is the director of the Postgraduate Programme in Breastfeeding and Human Milk Donation at the UAB, a lecturer in other university degree and postgraduate programmes, as well as in courses of the regional Public Health Agency and in healthcare associations. Finally, she holds the position of secretary of the Spanish Association of Human Milk Banks.
Your role as a professional is essential during the donation.

Health professionals must provide clear and accurate information to the donor about the donation process, as well as provide post-donation care to ensure their well-being and recovery.